Batch Wallet generator

Create your MEW wallet in a few clicks!

AnchorTools - Wallet generator

Create your own address and private key!



Anchortools Logo

Wallets to create

Cost per wallet

undefined ($0.3)

Total cost

undefined ($0.3)
Any questions? Contact us

1 sec

Shield logo

Account and private key - we do not manage addresses and private keys for privacy reasons, so please, do it by you`re self. (when saving it)


  1. In the 'Wallets to create' section, specify the number of wallets you want to create.
    wallets desc 1
  2. Now select the network in which you want to make the payment is it ETH or BNB.
    wallets desc 2
  3. Now in the section 'Per wallet cost' and 'Total cost' you can see the cost for one and several wallets.
  4. Now, to continue, click 'Start Generation' and wait a bit.
  5. After your wallet has been created, you need to make payment in cryptocurrency which you have chosen.
  6. After payment, you can download your private wallet data, click 'Download Account Address & Private Key'.

Congratulations, you have successfully created your wallet

Attention! You only have 5 minutes to download your wallets, when the generation ends.
After which they will disappear.