How to verify your token

Easy step-by-step instructions on verify token with BSC and ETH network

1. Open Etherscan or Bscscan

Connect to Metamask and check purchased tokens. Then display the token's assets in the explorer. If you buy Ethereum(ERC20) crypt Token,open Etherscan. If you buy Binance(BEP20) crypt Token,open Bscscan.

Token Settings 1

2. Click “Verify and Publish”

Please Click “Verify and Publish” after clicking “Contract” button.

Token Settings 2

3. Input information about you`re Contract

Select Compiler Type, Compiler Version and Open Source License Type.

Token Settings 3

You can find each parameter after token issuance.

Token Settings 3

4. Input information about Contract

Click “Verify and Publish” after inputting .sol source-code to “Enter the Solidity Contract Code below”.

Token Settings 4

5. Contract Source Code Verified

Congratulations! After verification is complete, you will be able to read and write you`re contract!

Token Settings 4